Blackbirds are breeding on my balcony for the first time this year

In March this year I had some new housemates on the balcony! Suddenly, a blackbird made itself at home in the top flower pot of the IKEA flower stand. I was quite surprised that birds breed so close to humans at all.



It didn't take long before there were already 5 eggs in the nest.


One week later, the first chicks hatched.



It only takes two weeks for a tiny pink creature that can barely move to grow into a feathery young bird.


Normally the little ones are completely silent, but as soon as the parents are present, one screams louder than the other.




If you want to be a good flyer, practice early. One toddler stayed at the edge of the nest for a long time before he found the courage to jump off - and finally hit the balcony floor with a loud bang.


The parents - both of whom take care of the young birds - continue to feed their offspring for about a week after they leave the nest, until they become independent. During this time, the young birds behave as inconspicuously as possible on the ground. The straggler spent two more days hidden on the balcony until it flew into the wild.


This is the last photo, shortly after the last young bird flew away. I really missed the little ones after that. For a few weeks they were in view every day, and suddenly they were gone. I hope they are doing well.


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