Oct 31, 2016, 12:15 AM
Recently Kodak presented a new smartphone. New phones are introduced almost daily, but according to Kodak, their new product is particularly suitable for taking photos. That made me curious.

Oct 27, 2016, 4:04 PM
Das NIKKOR AF-S 70-200 mm 1:2,8G ED VR II ist mit Abstand mein am häufigsten verwendetes Objektiv. Nun hat Nikon den Nachfolger vorgestellt, der auf den schönen Namen AF-S NIKKOR 70–200 mm 1:2,8E FL ED VR hört.

Oct 21, 2016, 2:00 PM
On 16 October, the second Austrian Mantrailing Puzzle Rally took place in Strasshof an der Nordbahn. The event was organised by Karina Kalks, mantrailing expert and chairwoman of the Mantrail Academy Austria.