First Vienna LaufHundeSport Race
A few hours before the race we were already on site to participate in the briefing, to visit the track and to find the best location for the photos. In addition, some dogs could already sniff us, so that they are then not surprised by us at the race.
The course length was 4 km, but there was also a shortened course for children. In the following three disciplines could be started:
Bikejöring: The participant starts with a mountain bike, which is connected with a maximum of 2.5 meters long line with the harness of the dog. The dog must always be in front of the mountain bike and the rider must naturally adjust his pace to the dog's running speed.
Scooterjöring: Similar to Bikejöring, except that a scooter is used instead of a mountain bike.
CaniCross: Here runner and dog form a team. The maximum length for the leash is 2 meters and is connected to the dog's harness by means of a waist belt. Here, too, the dog must always be in front of the runner.
The net proceeds of the event were donated to the Garden of Eden animal shelter.
Das Event war ein großer Erfolg. Fahrer und Läufer aus Österreich, der Slowakei und Ungarn haben teilgenommen. Am Ende gab es für die Sieger viele schöne Preise. Hier einige Eindrücke: